Google Shopping Feed Optimization Tips

5 min readNov 19, 2018


As we can see enormous growth in Google Shopping, has become a hot ticket item for an E-commerce Store and capture all the global market. It’s time to make sure you’re optimizing your product feed well and getting most out of your data. The data feed is the backbone to any great Google Shopping strategy if the data is bad it will end up costing you where it hurts the most your pocket.

People already know about optimizing data feed but somehow would like some high-level tips on how to take their Google Shopping campaign to the next level.

· GTIN in Google Shopping: The benefits

· Selecting the Right Image

· Dynamic Re-pricing within the Data Feeds

· Title Optimizations

· Optimize your Color Attribute

· Sales and Merchant Promotions

GTIN in Google Shopping: The Benefits

The Global Trade Item Number or GTIN has turned into a noteworthy piece of the optimization process.

The GTIN is required on the off chance that you are an affiliate of products and is generally provided by the manufacturer.

Remember items, where you are the main merchant, producer parts, custom items, collectibles, and some clothing items, won’t require a GTIN (Multipacks and groups don’t require a GTIN and in addition long as you supply these qualities in the feed).

Important of GTIN

Google utilizes the GTIN to pull from the provider’s index and place your advertisement into a sale with alternate affiliates of a similar item. The promotions default to the properties of the provider’s inventory and will abrogate optimizations made in the feed.

GTINs additionally get you to the position with quests like “Best” and “Best”. These sorts of hunts additionally reference client surveys to decide the situation of your advertisement. The better the surveys, the higher your odds are to indicate the first position.

Selecting The Right Image

Item Images are the principal thing clients see when your advertisement appears, so you need to ensure these look extraordinary.

Here are some key focuses to for ensuring your picture interface is advanced:

• Use superb pictures (For Mobile Responsive Devices)

• Make beyond any doubt the variations coordinate the image (shading, measure, material and so forth.)

• Look out for content over the image (watermarks, deals, produce parts numbers)

• Test item pictures versus the way of life pictures (to discover which works best for your image)

Dynamic Re-pricing within the Data Feeds

There are dynamic answers for help stay aware of the value vacillations in the shopping space. On the off chance that you are utilizing an outsider arrangement like Wisepricer, you will have the capacity to utilize their apparatus to run day by day value verifies how your estimating is contrasted with your rivals.

Aggressive valuing can have a vast influence on your web-based business methodology.

You can makeover this information into your feed and make a dynamic estimating instrument for your feed: You trade a record of the valuing device and consolidation it with your item information feed, coordinated by id.

Next, you make custom names for how you need to offer dependent on how focused your evaluating is.

In the event that you are utilizing a feed improvement stage, you will have the capacity to make rules for these custom marks so items would hop from name to name as they turned out to be pretty much cost aggressive.

You could set marks, for example, high, medium, and low dependent on the cost of that item every day. In your AdWords account, you will have the capacity to offer up on the items that are evaluated the most minimal and offer down on items that are not cost focused.

All, however, this sounds extraordinary, be cautious about how you utilize this. In specific verticals, this probably won’t be the best procedure. On the off chance that a client purchases your item and returns the following day to see that the cost has dropped, they may think they were simply cheated.

Title Optimizations

I accept you definitely realize item title improvements are critical to making your promotions pertinent to clients looks. It’s a standout amongst the most vital characteristics in the feed and this is the place we ought to invest a lion’s share of our energy. I jump at the chance to spare titles for last until the point when all my different traits are improved on the grounds that I utilize them to make the titles are as enhanced as could be allowed.

The ascribes you will need to incorporate rely upon which vertical you’re in.

Beneath I have given a graph how to structure your titles dependent on a class:

Some key ideas for title enhancements guarantee that imperative catchphrases are incorporated. Utilize the pursuit term answer to see which inquiries have changed over and utilized them in your titles.

Place vital data at the start of the titles, on the off chance that your title gets truncated on the outcomes page the imperative data will demonstrate first.

Optimize your Color Attribute

It used to be the best practice to smooth your color in your feed into something a client would scan for.

Presently, you will get dissatisfactions for crisscrossing greeting page data. Google creeps the miniaturized scale information on points of arrival and will coordinate the shading credit in the feed to the shading an incentive on the greeting page. On the off chance that you used to do this as the best practice, it’s a great opportunity to switch back and given the color a chance to be what they are.

Sales & Merchant Promotions.

Deals and trader advancements trigger individuals’ purchasing habits and usually leads to high click-through rates and lower cost per conversions.

Let’s assume you are a crockery store and you are running a sale on mugs for 25% Off amid spring break. You made a limited time code of SAVE25 on your site and now need to put this to use in your shopping advertisements.

First, you will make a characteristic call promotion_id and populate just the mugs you need to deal with the promotion code. After this, you will go into your Google Merchant Center Account and make the advancement under the advancements tab (note: on the off chance that you don’t see a shipper advancements tab you should round out the trader advancements frame first).

There will be guidelines on the most proficient method to make your advancement in Google including compelling begin and end time, particular items versus all items, and in the event that you are utilizing a limited time code. You can run these advancements for up to 3–4 months without refreshing. This is great on the off chance that you are putting forth free sending or running a long deal. LeapFeed provides Google S­hopping Feed Campaign services.




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